Need help w/ Overflow problem


I moved a new tank into position yesterday and it is now full of water. This is the first time I have ever worked with a HOB overflow system and a wet/dry filter. After some trial and error I got the water to start siphoning down the overflow and into the wet/dry filter continuously. Then I turned on the pump to send it back up. Here is where I had some problems
1). The pump was not seemingly sending the water up as fast as the wet/dry filter was filling up. I saw this pump in action when I picked up the tank and it was functioning correctly on site.
2). I added a 2nd pump and the water in the wet/dry filter started dropping. Wouldn't leaving both pumps in there cause the pumps to run out of water?
Any tips or ideas would be great.
The only thing that I know is a problem on my end right now is that the tank still needs another inch or so of water which I am going to pick up now but during my tests I had the hole covered in the return pump line that is designed to break siphon if the power goes out so I expected it to work correctly anyhow.