This is really upsetting me.
Mail order Frogspawn placed in DT about 3 weeks ago. Doing great.
About 3 days ago urchin walked across top two heads, after that the one on the top right started dieing. The next day the top left one dieing, now tonight the bottom left is dieing. Pictures are of before and the process of it dieing. So far the bottom right head looks ok. 1st picture of it when it was healthy, 2nd picture top right head dieing, 3rd picture is what it looks like tonight.
55g reef, 6 mo's old, weekly 10% water changes, checking water everyday right now.
325w coralite new, frog placed 1/2 up rocks
Amm 0
Nitrites 0
Nitrates 0
PH 8.2
Salinity 1.026
Calcium 420
Temp 79-80 stays pretty close
Things I have done to try and help. Change out 10% of water for 2 days in a row. Use RO water Instant Ocean salt, premix for 24-48 hrs with power heads and a heater.
All other corals look great, fox, hammer, 3 bubbles, numerous mushrooms, polyps. No leathers.
3 clowns, and lawn mower blennie, emeral crab, a few hermits, snails. urchin.
Is there something else I should be testing? Something I am missing? I don't know what to do. This frogspawn was absolutely beautiful, and looked perfectly healthy, in three days time, dieing. Need Help with this.What am I doing wrong......
Mail order Frogspawn placed in DT about 3 weeks ago. Doing great.
About 3 days ago urchin walked across top two heads, after that the one on the top right started dieing. The next day the top left one dieing, now tonight the bottom left is dieing. Pictures are of before and the process of it dieing. So far the bottom right head looks ok. 1st picture of it when it was healthy, 2nd picture top right head dieing, 3rd picture is what it looks like tonight.
55g reef, 6 mo's old, weekly 10% water changes, checking water everyday right now.
325w coralite new, frog placed 1/2 up rocks
Amm 0
Nitrites 0
Nitrates 0
PH 8.2
Salinity 1.026
Calcium 420
Temp 79-80 stays pretty close
Things I have done to try and help. Change out 10% of water for 2 days in a row. Use RO water Instant Ocean salt, premix for 24-48 hrs with power heads and a heater.
All other corals look great, fox, hammer, 3 bubbles, numerous mushrooms, polyps. No leathers.
3 clowns, and lawn mower blennie, emeral crab, a few hermits, snails. urchin.
Is there something else I should be testing? Something I am missing? I don't know what to do. This frogspawn was absolutely beautiful, and looked perfectly healthy, in three days time, dieing. Need Help with this.What am I doing wrong......