need help with a 26 gallon tank!!!!!!


so im getting this 26 gallon tank from my work today and i am wondering if i should buy a skimmer... my dad has a 200 gallon tank and he is going to give me his water when he dose his water change.... my boss said that all i will need is a hang on the back filter but i am wondering if i will need something better, im just going to put a carpet anemone 2 clowns maybe a hippo and a yellow tang and some corals do you guys think i will need more than the hang on the back filter %


Well, first of all looking at your planned stock list there are a few problems, you cannot keep a hippo or yellow tang in a 26 gal tank, they need much more swim room, more along the lines of a 75 gal for the hippo and at least a 55 for the yellow. A hang on the back filter is fine, but you will want a skimmer if you plan to keep corals. You will also of course need power heads for water circulation. As an aside note you will need very good lights for an anemone. Metal Halides being reccomended. Make sure and do tons of research on any planned livestock. As far as anything other than a hob filter, it is always beneficial to add a sump and refugium, not only for the extra water volume but the food a refugium produces. If you have any questions feel more than free to ask.


Originally Posted by Anjiro
Well, first of all looking at your planned stock list there are a few problems, you cannot keep a hippo or yellow tang in a 26 gal tank, they need much more swim room, more along the lines of a 75 gal for the hippo and at least a 55 for the yellow. A hang on the back filter is fine, but you will want a skimmer if you plan to keep corals. You will also of course need power heads for water circulation. As an aside note you will need very good lights for an anemone. Metal Halides being recommend. Make sure and do tons of research on any planned livestock. As far as anything other than a hob filter, it is always beneficial to add a sump and refugium, not only for the extra water volume but the food a refugium produces. If you have any questions feel more than free to ask.
thanks for all that info i did my research on the fish and here it is 2 true percula clowns, bubble tip anemone 2 royal bi color pseudochromis and one orange spotted goby..... the tank was used for our sea horses and has very nice florescent lights they are round and pretty big there is three of those but i don't know the name of you think that my list is to big im going to get a small rock in there for my corals and i will get the egg crate rack on the side..... thanks for your help


Well I agree that that is a good stock list, the only issue I can forsee is maybe a little fighting between the two pseudos the best way to keep them from fighting is to add them at the exact same time.
How many lbs of live rock are you planning to put in? It would be good if you could find out what kind of lights are already in there, florescent tube lights are good for low light corals like zoanthids, but if you want a nem you are really going to need t-5's or Metal Halides, with either of those you can most any corals you want, people have mixed reports about keeping sps corals with T-5s.
How much rock are you planning to add? Live rock is what will be your main source of filtration, it is what will not only will keep your water lvls in check but also adds tons of micro fauna to feed fish and corals.


im not too sure on how much rock but me and my dad are going to build a over flow system and a mini sump for with a lil sock and some nice power heads here is a link of what they look like and i have three of them my boss said that he paid 300 for the bulbs and ballast....... mainly i want to grow some corals on the rock and have some cool fish but not to over stock it.......