Need help with agressive tank!!!


I am working on a agressive tank that right now has a dwarf lion, a large scopas tang, a small snowflake eel and about 20 pounds of liverock. I was wondering what equiptment i need...what kind of protien skimmer and how much live rock i need to keep the tank stable. The tank is 55 galloons and eventully i wouuld also like to get a hawkfish. Im on a tight budget because im a student so im looking for a fairly inexpensive skimmer. If anyone has any suggestions, is selling a skimmer, or wants to get rid of some LR in michigan PLEASE tell me!!


Active Member
"IF" this tank has been up for a year with 20 lbs LR and no skimmer you must have been doing "something" right...:rolleyes:
What other type of filtration do you have...??
What kind of flow...??
You are just now switching to aggressive...What was the tank set up as before...??
What is not stable about it now...??


All I have right now for filtering is a hang on filter that is of suitable size for the tank...Currently i have no flow except for the little bit from the filter. I am just now switching to agressive and befor this it was a FOWLR tank. Right now most everything has been stable since about mid summer but last time I tested my PH was just a tiny bit low but thats gone now.


Active Member
Aggressive tanks by their very nature put a "strain" on "normal" filtration and will completely crash one that is only "minimal"
Before you start adding "Aggressive" fish to your FOWLR you'll do well to upgrade your filtration...
A skimmer is an important part of the "total" system and really not something you want to "skimp" on...Get the "best" you can afford and not the "best deal"...
You have the right idea looking for "used" and will probably end up with a better skimmer for the money than buying new...
You will also want to increase your circulation in the keep detritus suspended so the filter can take it out and to increase oxygen levels through gaseous exchange and turnover, a couple powerheads will help here...
The Hang on filter will take care of the "mechanical" filtration, just make sure you stay on top of cleaning it...often...
Again, get the tanks biological filtration "system" up to speed "before" adding high load fish and you'll have a much smoother transition to the world of aggressive...:yes:


I just purchase a berlin airlift 60 on ---- or only 20 bucks but its not says its rated for a 60 galoon tank but for a price that cheap it cant be to good...but as soon as i get some money from the parents for my Bday ill upgrade to a better one. For about a month i think ill throw an old powerhead in there and try to keep the tank up with the filter the protein skimmer and weekly water changes. Thanks for your help if theres anything else you think would help get an agressive tank up and running please tell me!!!