Need Help with Clowns


Hi, /we have had our salt water tank since that 1st of the year. We have live rock , yellow tang , blemmy, several snails, 2 urchins, a few blue leg hermit crabs and a pink tip haitian anemone. All seems to be doing well except the fact that we cannot get a percula clown fish to live for more than two weeks. We have been through 5. The first one was attacked by the damsel fish, we returned the damsels to the lfs. The next 2 lived for 2 weeks then died very unexpectedly, within 12 hours of each other. Then last wednesday we got 2 more and they died within 3 days. We woke up one morning and one was dead and one was missing. the next day we found the skeleton of the missing fish. Apparently he was eaten by the anemone or the hermit crabs after he died. Through all this we have been neurotic about testing our water and keeping the levels acceptable. Usually all levels are at "0" with the ph at 8.2. Temp at 76 - 78 degrees. Our tank is a 29 gallon bowfront. What could be the problem? :help:


Yes, We agree. I think that may have been the case with the second 2 fish. The first one was attacked by the damsels. But clowns number 4 & 5 were ordered from and they lasted 3 days. Where is there a place where you can buy fish that have a chance of living. We have a very disappointed daughter and do not want to disappoint her again.


I could be wrong but I heard sea urchins are poisonous. Perhaps the clowns are trying to host the urchins and getting stabbed, then the other fish are eating the poisoned ones?


Active Member
Acclimation? How are you acclimating them to the tank?
That tang needs to go as well as the anemones.
The tank is not ready for the anemones and the tang in a 29, WOW! Definately needs to go back and never go to that store again. Tangs need a minimum of a 90 gallon, most will agree a 6ft tank period.