Need help with coral bud ID


New Member
I need help with an ID on this coral bud. About one month ago I bought a rock (large fist size, $4.00) covered with coralline algae. Also a not-so-good looking leather coral was attached, partially to the rock and partially to half a clam shell.
When I got home I separated the leather coral and put the rock in front of a power head (I hoped it would help spread the coralline) I also placed the half clamshell on a rock to spread the coralline. (It was covered in coralline as well.)
A few days ago I discovered that something had knocked the clamshell off the rock and it was lying upside down. It was then I discovered three coral buds on the underside of the shell. They don’t look like the original leather coral that was attached to the topside before. (By the way the leather coral is doing great!)
The buds are very yellow as you can see and have eights branches as best as I can tell (the bud pictured is about the size of a match head) on the end of each tentacle.
Can anyone help me ID this coral? Thanks
Lastly what can I do to ensure their survival and growth?

nm reef

Active Member
Really difficult to say based on the pic & description...but maybe they are yellow polyps....


Active Member
Kind of looks like a type of Macro Algae. I have similar looking stuff in my tank. (may be different then what you have I just can't tell from the picture)