Need Help with filter


I have a small reef tank about 40 gal. I have it loaded with live rock and a few fish and corals. It has a old Emperor 400 Bio-Wheel Filter. This filter needs to be replaced - it has problems with some leeks and and salt creep problems. I am tired of changing o rings to patch the problem for a while. I am thinking about switching to a Bio-Wheel 330 - it does not appear to have the same type of spray bars or I was thinking about getting a canister filter. What would be your choice in my situation. Or what type of filter should I get.
Thanks in advance.

nm reef

Active Member
I would go with a hang on type skimmer myself. With your LR and if you have a sand bed you'll probably not need any type of mechanical filtration...a decent skimmer would be much more effective.:thinking: