Need help with filtration!


New Member
I have a 55 gallon tank with a penguin biowheel 350 (i have removed the biowheels) and a pretty decent protein skimmer. Is this enough filtration to temporarily house a volatin lionfish and a barred moray? I am planning on upgrading to a 90-125 gallon tank within a years time so I dont want to spend money on a wet/dry and then buy another one for my new tank.


You might be alright as long as you have a light bio load. How much LR? If it was me, I would put the bio wheels back on. Good for airation, and biological filtration. Just my 2 cents/


i ran a 20 for while w/ that, did fine, use the biowheels, rinse em off once a week, they pic up ALOT of the load, thats acutally the biggest advantage of thing to do is try, if it starts to overload, you could build a 10 to 20 gallon sump for about 100 dollars or less. just look in the DIY section for ideas.
You should be fine as long as you have enough LR (45 -55lbs.). If not, you may want to buy some or at least drops some bio balls into your hang-on. Good luck.


New Member
I was told to remove the biowheels because someone told me it greatly increases ure nitrates. Is that right?


New Member
I have 60lbs of live sand and 5lbs of live rock currently but i will be adding an extra 50lbs of live rock in the next couple of weeks.


as long as you clean them once or twice a week. it wont increase nitrates, or if it does, itll be so insignificant, it wont affect anything, I did this for 3 months on my old 20 w/ minimal problems.