Need help with fish!


New Member
I have a FOWLR tank. Its a 70g tank and it has finished its cycling and it is ready to have a couple more fish. I posted another thread about how I feel some fish would be okay as long as i traded them once they grew. Im big into keeping new fish in the tank, so the 'buying when little and trading when big' game is perfect for me.
Right now all I have in a Valentini Puffer, about 2"
a Snowflake Eel, about 1'
a Pajama Cardinal, about 1.5"-2"
a Yellowtail Damsel, about 1"
and a Bahama Starfish, about 4" across.
All these fish get along great, and I have no trouble with any of them. So Im asking everyone else here, what are some very pretty fish that I can put in my tank, even if it is just while they are small until they grow up, so that my tank is active and colorful.
Thanks in advance.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by sLadeM
I have a FOWLR tank. Its a 70g tank and it has finished its cycling and it is ready to have a couple more fish. I posted another thread about how I feel some fish would be okay as long as i traded them once they grew. Im big into keeping new fish in the tank, so the 'buying when little and trading when big' game is perfect for me.
Right now all I have in a Valentini Puffer, about 2"
a Snowflake Eel, about 1'
a Pajama Cardinal, about 1.5"-2"
a Yellowtail Damsel, about 1"
and a Bahama Starfish, about 4" across.
All these fish get along great, and I have no trouble with any of them. So Im asking everyone else here, what are some very pretty fish that I can put in my tank, even if it is just while they are small until they grow up, so that my tank is active and colorful.
Thanks in advance.

My favorite fish is the lemonpeel dwarf angel, he stays small enough so you wouldn't have to trade down later and is it active and very pretty. Bright yellow with electric blue outlining the eyes, fins and gills. Full grown 3- 4 inches. There are other very bright colored dwarf angels you can check out an added plus they are great algae eaters, even hair algae has no chance with them.


New Member
Yeah I used to have a lemonpeel.
I just recently held my dads Emporer Angel for about 2 months while he was getting his tank ready to go, and I really loved that little fish. He suggested a lemonpeel to me when I gave the emp back to him. I definitely want a Diamond Goby, i think they are too cool. Ive also looked at small tangs, like a Kole Tang, any word on if this would be a good or bad choice?


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by sLadeM
Yeah I used to have a lemonpeel.
I just recently held my dads Emporer Angel for about 2 months while he was getting his tank ready to go, and I really loved that little fish. He suggested a lemonpeel to me when I gave the emp back to him. I definitely want a Diamond Goby, i think they are too cool. Ive also looked at small tangs, like a Kole Tang, any word on if this would be a good or bad choice?

I have a blue spotted kole..he is pretty drab for color. But has lots of personality. I have had lots of different sand sifters, I like the goldenheaded sleeper the best, but with coral they can be a pain. Nothing beats flashy for a lomonpeel, they are the color of Sunny D orange juice. It is more of a fire yellow, not a canary yellow.