need help with ick


Active Member
Treating the fish in hyposalinity in a quarantine tank is generally the recommended approach. Have you read the stickies at the top of this forum? Very helpful and informative :)


You have two options that are guarnteed to rid you tank of ich. Hyposalinity as mentioned, and copper treatement. Hypo is the better of the two in my opinion.



Originally posted by karajay
Treating the fish in hyposalinity in a quarantine tank is generally the recommended approach. Have you read the stickies at the top of this forum? Very helpful and informative :)

will copper hurt the lr and ls? i'm thinking about putting copper into my tank, since i only have lr and ls at this time.


Don't put cooper in your display tank. Only use it in a QT. If you use it in your display you'll never be able to have a reef tank. It will kill everything but the fish. It stays in the tank after treatment and leeches out of the substrate, rock, silicone seal etc.
Hypo done correctly is your safest cure. Read Beth's post at the top of the disease pg.


got it! thanks... what about those reef safe products? i dont think i have a huge problem with ick, but just want to be careful


Staff member
calvindo, in your situation with an new tank with only 1 hippo and LR, I would setup a rubbermaid with a PH and place all your LR in it. Then do hyposalinity in the main tank. You can put some PVC pieces in the main tank for the tang while you treat. That is your best bet all the way around.