Need help with identifying


New Member
I have had a Chevron Tang for about two to three weeks. He is about three inches and I have a 55 gallon tank. I know a little small but I am going to upgrade soon just want to get the jist of things before I make that commitment. Water is normal. Ph 8.0 or 8.2 Ammonia reading .25 could be a false reading nitrites at .5.
Anyway his behavior has been that he is scratching his eye or facial area with his fins. I believe this has caused his eye to get and infection and the nose of the tang has a film cover looking like a white mucus. They aren't white dots and he doesn't have any of these markings anywhere else. There are four other fish in the tank Three clowns and two gobies, all small meaning two inches long or less. I have live rock and live sand. Need help from anyone and sorry I don't have a camera.


I am not sure if this is a disease, but you could post this in the disease forum


Active Member
I'd get a Salifert test kit and make sure the ammonia and nitrites are 0. The results you're getting now are not good. :D