Need help with lighting


I am setting up a new 180 gallon reef ready tank. It will be a room dividing tank so I will have no background and needs to be viewed well from both sides. I need to know the type of lighting that would be best. I want to set up a reef and I am confused on whether or not metal hilides are neccassary or not. I have been given different info from local stores about that and about how many lights I need 1 said 6 one said 8 at 36 inches. i know they are in it for money so I figured I would ask the experts here first

My tank measurements are 72 long x 24 deep x 24 wide. Thanks in advance for your advice!
Once my project starts I will post some pics but it may be a while, we are currently under construction in the rooms


Active Member
What are you planning on keeping in the tank? That will be the #1 deciding factor in the type of lighting you get. If you do decide to get Metal Halide you will need 3 fixtures, not 6 or 8. The rule of thumb is one per every 2 feet of tank length. You should also look into T5. They give you all the power of MH but they are cheaper, run cooler and use less power. The major difference is that you dont get the cool shimmer effect in the water that you get with MH.
Also, are you doing a canopy on top of the tank or is it going to be open?


I will have a canopy on the tank, as far as what I would like to put in the tank I am still trying to decide, I do want soft corals just not sure on inverts and fish. I am new at this, I had fresh water and always wanted a salt tank, for now it needs to be a shoe string budget type project and hopefully later I can invest more. Right now I am collecting everything I need piece by piece when I have the money, the only problem is lighting is so expensive and I want to make sure I do not spend on something that is not needed.


Active Member
You should look into getting some T5 retrofit kits that you can mount in your canopy. They are cheaper than Metal Halides, produce less heat and will let you keep anything you want if you get enough of them. For a 6 foot tank you will probably want to get 36 inch lights and have them on both sides of the tank. I believe the 36 inchers are 39 watts a piece, so you will want to get 5 or 6 on each side of the tank. This should still come in less expensive than 3 metal halide fixtures.
Do a search for T5 retrofit kits and make sure that if you do decide to go this route that you get kits that have an individual reflector for each bulb. Makes all the difference with this type of light.


Thanks for the info, I will be needing the lights soon, I hope, if we get everything done, one more question, how high should I put them above the tank?


Active Member
I would say no more than a foot or so above the tank. My fixture stands about 8 inches above the water surface