Need help with my anemone!!



I purchased my anemone about a week ago and noticed that the clown fish has not approached it yet. I went to the local fish store and bought some food for it. Everything looked fine before but after a couple of hours of feeding it stated to curl up and change to a dark color. its still moving a bit, is this normal or im I in trouble.


Like I said already ..
what kind of lighting do you have ?
how long has this tank been setup ?
what are your water parameters ?
Anemones are hard species to take care of, they need very good water quality and very strong lighting. Your clownfish doesn't need an anemone, It also will probably NOT take it if it was tank bred and raised.
What color is the "dark color" ?


Active Member
Originally Posted by exile415
It also will probably NOT take it if it was tank bred and raised.
I disagree with this statement. Tank breds may have a higher chance than wild caughts to not want a host, but IMO it's not probable that they will not.
What kind of anemone is it?