Need help with my water readings


Active Member
I've had about 100 lbs of LR curing in my 75 now for about 2 months. I'd like to add my live sand and some inverts at this point. I just took readings a few minutes ago and here are the results:
Ph - 7.5
Phosphate - .25
Amm - 0
Nitrite - 0
Nitrate - 10
Kh - 14.1
Ca - 250
Temp - 79.6
SG - 1.27
I know that my Ph is too low and my Kh is too high for corals and some fish, but can I add some live sand and start adding some inverts at this point? I am using well water that is run though a water softener and then through my RODI unit. The TDS of my water after coming out of the RODI is 0 but I am thinking that the water softener is having a big effect on the Kh reading. What can I add to bring the kh down and is my Kh being so high the reason I cant get my Ph to come up and stay up?


you may want to do couple water changes to bring the nitrate down a little bit more (also the phosphate is a lil high, you should try to find out if it come from the well) i'd bring down the KH by buy some buffers, there are some buffers that will help with KH. also, i'd bring up the calc up a little if you want to have corals/stuffs with shells. once your KH/calc are balanced, pH wont be a big problem. also, i'd bring SG down to 1.025
i think inverts are really sensitive to water changes, so i'd wait til the water parameter stabled then add them :D
hope those will help ^^


Active Member
OK, I was reading my Kh test incorrectly. It is actually around 1.9, not 14.1. That makes a lot more sense since my water goes through a softener.... I know that is now too low...