Need help with overflow / sump issue.


New Member
I have a 90 AGA with built in overflow and the AGA overflow pipes. Under the display I have a 29g glass tank that I am using as a sump/fuge. I have 3 "chambers" separated by baffles.
My problem is the water coming from the display into the sump is EXTREMLY bubbly, Im talking it looks like more air is going into the water then water, these are big bubbles splashing water out of the sump. I have the "pipe" (its actually flexible hose) below the water line in the sump, is this correct?
Could someone explain how the overflow pipes work? I am thinking the small "air" hole on top of the overflow pipe needs to be made larger, but before I do anything crazy I wanted to ask you guys and get an understanding on how it works.


How do u have the baffles set up? Are there 3 between each chamber? If not thats the first problem. The pipes coming in should be below the water line, and you will get some air into the drain line from the display tank beacuse its not a solid column of water.


New Member
Yes i have 3 between each chamber.. Im not getting any bubbles back into the display, thats not the problem. The problem is the amount of air comming into the first chamber, its so bad that its causing water to splash out of the sump and is very loud.


You need to lower the drain tube further into the sump then, thats the only way. You will get some air into the first chamber, its just going to happen based on the way the gravity drain works.