Need help with plumbing aquac ev 180 externally.


I'm about to order this skimmer, and I was wondering what parts I should order with it to be able to install it externally. I tried to search for some help via google, but was unsuccessful. I am completely clueless about the stuff needed to plumb it, so include anything that would be needed please. Thanks alot.


Active Member
other than some plastic hose clamps everything you should need should be found at hd or your local hardware store. second thought are you going through ther side of your sump or over the top edge. the outflow of the skimmer needs to go straight out than down, so if you are going through the side of your sump you need a bulkhead to seal off the hole


Yes, you will most likely need to drill through the side of your sump to accommodate for the gate valve coming from the skimmer. As mentioned in the prior post you will need a bulkhead to run it through the wall of the sump. I ran a threaded quick connect coupling between the gate valve and the bulkhead on mine to make it easy to get the skimmer out for maintenance. You may have to raise the skimmer up depending on the water level in your sump.
I also found that with the recommended MAG 7 that I got with the skimmer I was not getting enough flow with it sitting outside the sump. I switched to the MAG 9.5 which seems to work pretty well.
If you have any trouble and would like to see some pics let me know...


I was planning on just letting the water returning from the skimmer to flow over the edge of my sump via 1" flexible vinyl tubing. Is this a problem?


Active Member
Consult the instructions or call AquaC, but I remember them stating that the water line of the skimmer has to be about the same as the water line in the sump. Having the gate valve just dump over the side, might raise up the skimmer too much.


I just got an EV-240 and have to do the same thing. You can go to Aqua C's website and get a pdf of all their manuals for free. Setting it up externally seems very easy to do.