need help with red hair algae


I could use some advice on controlling the read hair algae. I dont have a photo but some of it looks like your basic green hair algae while on the glass and crushed coral it forms more of a blanket. It also holds gaseous bubbles which I presume is probably nitrous gas from converting the nitrates in the water. I set the tank up in the beginning of august and went through the diatome bloom ok. There was an outbreak of green algae but the hermits and snails made short work of it. My amonia and trites are Zero. Nitrates at 20 ppm. Salinity at 1.023. Temp at 80. PH 8.4.
Seaclone 100 running 24/7 and a magnum 350 using a carbon filter. 55 watts actinic running12 hours and 55 watts of 7100K running 10 hours a day. ( I am afraid to reduce the lighting because I want my corals to be happy)
The red leg hermits and snails (Turbin, astrea and Turbo) dont seem to go for the red algae and now that I have the coral frags (Still sitting on Aragorete plugs on the bottom) I soon wont be able to remove the rocks to scrub off the red algae. (Once I transfer the frags to the LR)
I feed a pinch of flake in the morning and another in the afternoon. Twice a week I spot feed with a mixture of flake, mysis, zooplankton and freeze dried Krill all crushed up.
Are there any other critters that may go for the red algae? is it that I am still over feeding? Any other solutions out there?
Your input would be apreciated.