need help with sand depth


i have a 100gal i am setting up with FOWLR aggressive.
huma huma
maroon clown
blue hippo
what i want to know is how deep should i have the sand bed to best suit this setup?


Active Member
the depth is up to you. you can go anywhere from bare bottom to about a 6" deep sandbed. depends on what you are trying to achieve.


Active Member
IMO under an inch or over 4 inches. Any thing in between will accumulate waste without the benefit of being deep enough provide an anaerobic area at the bottom of the sand bed to process out nitrates.
Since the scheme of the tank appears to be aggressive I would go with under and inch or even bare bottom. If there is room in the sump or for the setup of a fuge I would have a deep sand bed in that area.


Active Member
What Murph said...
Avoid the "in between bed depth" stage.
There is a handy calculator on this site under live sand that shows you how many pounds you'll need depending on desired depth and size of tank.


thanks. i already had some sand maybe an inch or less. its my b/day today so i wanted to know before i went and bought more. thanks