Need help with setup for a shark?


Any suggestions out there from you shark experts on how to get started. I want a bamboo shark and need a good set up. any suggestions for a 125 gal tank or bigger. Need to know filtration type and what to put in the tank. I hear having live rock is a good idea, can anyone out there confirm that. I would like to hear your suggestions. thanks!


a 125 is good but a 180 would be better. As far as filtration you would need to turn over your water at least 8 times an hour. They do not do good in low salintity. You need a very good skimmer they are messy eaters. I have never heard as live rock as being a problem just dont put to much. They like to stay on the bottom so they need alot of room on the bottom.


I wouldnt go any smaller than a 180... All Depeneds on LxWxH... Buy a wet/dry, skimmer, live sand, live rock is good but dont stack high (sharks will constintanly knock them over) Good Luck...