Need Help with setup


New Member
Converting a 75 Gal FOWLR to Reef Tank. Currently have a Eheim 2217 stacked with bio media, and a Freedom Aquarium Freedom filter with a rio 2500 pump for filtration, .(in tank skimmer with 2 large porous sponges for bio). and a maxi jet 1200 power head Should I upgrade my filtration? have live sand approx 2.5 inches already in tank. I intend to add another 50 lbs of live rock to my already 40 lbs of cured living rock. Tank stocked with 2 small percs, 1 gold strip maroon, orange shoulder tang, powder brown tang and a imp. angel, 3 emerald crabs 1 serpeant stars, 1 horseshoe, 25-30 blue leg, and scarlet leg hermits,1 brittle star and a blue lenkia star. I was thinking about a aqua c or a bak pak instead of the freedom. or will the rockk and sand offer enough filtratuon?