Need help with size of new tank


I need all your input folks. I have the chance to upgrade or add another tank. I would like one large enough to shut down all the tanks I have now, one 55 gal and two ten gallons all stuffed with live rock and sand. If I get a tank large enough all my fish should get along one yellow tang two clowns and one blue damels. What size tank will I need? My yellow tang is outgrowing his 55 and I want to try my hand at a reef. Also I would like to add a few more fish. thanks for the input.


Active Member
Hmmm you have one yellow and a couple of clowns and a damsel.
I would suggest a 125 or so - something that is longer than the 4 feet your 55 can currently provide. I would go with a pre-drilled tank. That way you can have a sump and refugium underneath.
Good luck!!