Need help with small volitan lion!

Okay so yesterday we had a family gathering or whatever. One of the people there was my cousin. Who used to be a huge fan of SW before he didn't have the money for it. So yesterday he decided to buy me a small volitan lionfish for my 37 gallon. I have to say he knows how to pick a healthy fish. Although right now it's in with
7 green chromis
1 fire fish
1 hawkfish
1 red general star fish
1 scooter blenny (very small but the lionfish doesn't even look at him)
My question is, can this lionfish even be kept in my tank? His fins are quite large. His "solid" body is only about 3 inches long. He told me about how feeding it only 2 times a week with krill will keep him small a very long time, while feeding my fish regularly since they eat different food and they will not be the same size as his mouth. Right now the damsels I think are just too big for him atm. He had trouble eating a piece of krill half their size. Also should my fish will be fine with him? He doesn't seem to be at all aggresive. Although he took the time to familarize himself with all my fish by following each of them for a while. My fish seem to be adjusting. I'm just not sure if I should keep this guy. I fed him 3 lives minnoes yesterday, he didn't give those things a chance. He was only in the tank a short time too. Then I fed him frozen krill this morning and he ate it, and I did it just too make sure he would. So based on what I told you. Is he fine for my tank?


He will get way to big for your tank about 15 inches I believe and will most likely eat all of your other fish shortly.. Starving the lion will only make it sick and die.


Not to mention that starving it will just make it hungry enough to eat your other small fish.


Active Member
he will likely go from 3" to 6" in a few months. everything in the tank with exception of the star will be gone, you should try to find him another home if you arent able to provide a tank to keep him long term.


Within 6 months he will be almost soccer ball sized (with his fins)
I had one in a 100 gallon I gave to my LFS for their DT because I felt bad having him being so big in my tank.
37 gallons is way too small!


Active Member
I gotta be honest, sounds like your tank is overstocked before you added a Lion.
Be sure to feed small amounts multiple times a day. Otherwise those Chromis are gonna slowly dwindle in number.