Need help with tank set-up dilema!!


New Member
Well first of all HI to everyone. I am new here..
Right now I have a 58gal reef tank that has 60lbs of live rock and LS base. It has 3 percula clown in it now and has gone through it cycle.. I am now planning on getting a second tank. I previously had a 180gal in my first house but I just moved a few months ago and the smaller tank is just not cutting it for me.. I am thinking of going with a min. of 240gal tank but I am mixed on what set-up I should go with. Should I keep a small reef tank going and use the larger tank for Larger fish or should I concentrate on one tank and make it one large reef tank?
I love both ends of the spectrum when it comes to fish. So that is why it is so difficult to make a decision.. Help me with the pros and cons to a large reef tank? I had a fairly large Agrressive tank in the past and I know what is involved with that but I am not sure what is involved with a large reef tank. Cost is not an issue just any other things I may not know.. I do know it will not be cheap..Thanks in advance..

clownin around

New Member
keep in mind what kind of coral you will put in the tank.If you go for the acacora you will need intence lighting.That will cost a lot bulbs will run you a couple of hundred every year.hight of tank is a big issue. the deeper it is the more lights you will need.out side of that they say the bigger the tank the easier it is to keep.null


Active Member
Im a 240 you could have the best of both worlds.Given the size your not real limited on what kind of fish you want.And if money is not a issue then why not have a big reef.There are several fish your able to keep in a reef tank.Invest in some good lighting.Maybe a few ice cap 600's and 12 vho bulbs.That will be enough to sustain alot of diffrent corals,NO SPS!!!Then load up on fish.
It will be expensive at first but can be very low maintance if done right the first time.A nice sump and skimmer with a dsb and ample live rock would ensure that.
Other than money,I can't find a con on any reef tank.The bigger the better!!!


I'll add some thoughts.Do you have
enough room in the location that it won't interfere with other uses?
Will the floor hold the incredible weight?
Will humidity be a problem not only for the room but other objects(Paintings rugs anytrhing affected by moisture
Do you see having to move in the future?
Will there also be enough room for other equipment?
Plumbing electrical supplies?
Now we come to money!!!LOL