need help


I have this pearlscale butterfly fish for about 2 months. It has been in a QT since I purchased it. When I got him I put him in the QT. I wanted to transfer to my regular tank but it started to get a cloudy eye and not eating so I decided to keep him in the QT. I started to treat it with PimaFix. The fish got better and started to eat but it started to develop a spot on the side. I kept it in QT for observation. Now it looks like that spot is starting to rot and I can see the inside of the fish.The spot is now lined in red which looks like blood.
Do you think this fish is a going to die? Should I keep treating with PimaFix?
I do water changes every couple of days. I test water weekly and no problem there. The fish is eating and acting perfect.
I was trying to take a pic but because of the PimaFix the water is cloudy. Any suggestion would be very helpful.


Active Member

Originally posted by fire30b
I have this pearlscale butterfly fish for about 2 months. Now it looks like that spot is starting to rot and I can see the inside of the fish.The spot is now lined in red which looks like blood.
Do you think this fish is a going to die? Should I keep treating with PimaFix?

How long were you using Pimafix? I hadn't heard about this treatment so I looked it up on the Aquarium Pharmaceuticals website. I have never heard of West India Bay Oil and don't know whether this would work.
There are a lot of herbal treatments for human diseases. I always try to have an open mind and don't mind trying these but I also tend to be skeptical about the results and stop these products if someone is getting worse. Some herbal products do work and these become more mainstream (e.g. garlic). This particular product does not seem to be working for you.
If an acute infection does not seem to be getting better within 3-5 days using one treatment, a different treatment should be used. I would suggest trying Maracyn 2.
The fish has also has a higher probability of getting better if you lowered the specific gravity somewhat (perhaps to ~1.015 over a few days) as this will prevent the open sore from oozing as much fluid (which they are prone to do).