need help



i need to create bactera what should i use will live rock work


Active Member
I assume you mean you are cycling and need something to give you some bacteria to break down ammonia and nitrite to nitrate?
Natures Ocean Live Sand can help. Cured LR too. A filter element from an established tank.
There is also supposed to be some additives that can assist, but LR/LS are your best bet.


i just started so i do not know anything where do u get live sand from


Active Member
Try a Local Fish Store.
You can buy some from this website as well.
What is your setup currently?


well i wanted to see what it was like to have a salt tank so i tried my ten gallon to see if i could do it in it is live rock a fake rock and a plastic plant but i think i am just going to set up my fifty five that i have instead of the ten


Active Member
Bigger is better. A ten is very hard to keep stable.
Be careful using rocks of unknown origin as they can pollute the water - unless the fake rock you are referring to is plastic :)
You'll be happier in the 55, trust me. Especially when you start adding fish.


so if i go to my fifty five and i start that then what should i do put in my crushed coral and my salt and then put a whole bunch of live rock in then how long should i wait befor i get fish for it


Active Member
Step one.
Slow down. It is going to take awhile to do this right. Trust me doing it right the first time will save $$$ and heartache.
Buy the following test kits if you don't have them.
Step two.
What is your end goal for this tank?
Option 1) Reef Tank
Option 2) Fish Only
Option one is more expensive. MUCH MORE. Neither is cheap. Think about this.....alot.
I won't go into specifics here but a reef adds another layer of complexity.
Step Three.
What kind(s) of fish do you want, if any? Think about this and do some research before you buy. A panther grouper is cool and is about 1-2inches in size at most fish stores, but what are going to do when it is over two foot long....
Step Four.
What are you using for makeup water. I recommend RO - Reverse Osmosis or Distilled.
Tap water should be dechlorinated. I have used tap successfully so far but it is far from idea.
Step five.
Check the tank for leaks. May want to let it set overnight.
Step six.
Fill tank 75% with makeup water. (leave room for rock and substrate)
Add salt until Specific Gravity is about 1.020.
Turn on filters or power heads without media for mixing let sit overnight. Heater needs to be added/turned on.
You could probably add your live rock at this point but you are going to lose some life on it. But not putting it in is worse.
Don't add your crushed coral until this is done. If ever. Alot of people who started with CC have regretted it. Do some research first. Aragonite based sands are much better IMO. Do a search on DSB - deep sand beds.
Check the next day and adjust to 1.023
Step seven.
Several options here
option1) Add LR and LS to speed up the cycle (do a search on cycle in the top right corner) Might only take a week to cycle.
Option2) Add a mollie or Damsel to cycle tank. (Not recommended) these fish may give you something to look at but damsels are very aggressive and it is cruel to the fish. Damsels are difficult to get out later. ( Could take a month)
Option3) Use a raw dead shrimp from your grocery store. Do a search for specifics. (could take a month)
Option4) Sit and wait. (could take 4-6 weeks)
***A cycle is the process of turning toxic ammonia generated by fish and rotting materials into not as toxic but still bad nitrite and finally to nitrate. The bacteria you were originally referring to does this. This is what make LR and LS live.
This can be checked by using the test kits.
Step eight
After ammonia = 0
nitrate = 0
Ph is 8.0 to 8.4
Get ONE fish that you have researched fully.
Step nine
Ask lots of questions and read up through entire process.
Good luck.
Everyone add where I missed stuff.
[ September 24, 2001: Message edited by: fender ]


Active Member
BTW I forgot about a skimmer. Start doing research on this now as well. You can go quite awhile without one but eventually you'll need one on a fish only tank.