Need Help


Active Member
Normally if something in the tank getting stuck on a filter intake, he is already weakened from some other may be possible to save him if he's moved into a QT tank and nursed back to health, but unfortunately it doesn't happen that often.


give it a try, I had a turbo snail sucked into a powerhead overnight, got him pulled out, and he is still alive today.


My anemone got sucked in...twice!! Just turn it off (I guess you already did) but don't pull him out just kinda fan him out. Use the current to get him out. Mine grew back healthy but his tentacles are all crinkled. Good luck. You may hafta get an intake prefilter until he settles into a spot he likes! Mine settled right in front of a powerhead, so your's might be lookin' for a good current. But put a prefilter on the PH's and filter until he plants himself somewhere.

nm reef

Active Member
Unfortunately that situation happens a lot with anenomes and powerheads. Just turn the PH off and let the anenome try to extract is possible for them to survive and recover. If its not too damaged. You may want to look for a sponge cover for the intake on the power head in case it decides to venture too close again.


Ouch. Thats gonna leave a mark. I can't add much but you could try something like a screwdriver head in between the slots to help open them without breaking the plastic bars to help get him out. Then again they might break.
Good luck with him, let us know how it works out.


Active Member
This happened with my bta. was shredded up pretty bad. I turned the pump off and gently pulled it out. Few of the tenticles came off and his insides came out. I put him in a small separater near the top or my tank with an air pump and changed his water daily. Within a week or so he recovered nicely.

fish n ont

New Member
this happened to my bubble, what a mess!!! It actually posoined my tank. Killed all my fish...clowns lasted a day or so but died as well..