need help


my tank looks like its full of milk!!! :( i just replaced my crushed coral with old castle play sand. i have a yellow tand, a clown, cleaner shrimp, star, 4 damsels, and 15lbs of rock. i need to know what can i do? do i leave my buddies in 5 gallon buckets or should i put them in the white milk salt water.

nm reef

Active Member
If the temp is normal you may be able to return the fish...sort of the same conditions as a major storm in a natural reef. I've had fish in some pretty cloudy water with no major problems. To help the water clear try to use some mechanical filters and filter floss if you can...the mechanical filtration will help clear the water quicker.

nm reef

Active Member
The only time I used south down was when I set up my 100 and it took a few days to clear. But I didn't have any concern about was all in my old display...:thinking: