need help


i have a 10 gallon but i just wanted to put one fish in it but i wanted a fish i could feed live bait like little feeder fish. but i dont know what to get :notsure:


10GL could do well for a mantis set-up, never owned one but most people have warties in 20GL long and up.


Originally Posted by Titan
10GL could do well for a mantis set-up, never owned one but most people have warties in 20GL long and up.
are you talking about mantis shrimp? oh and whats a wartie? im new at this


Originally Posted by Titan
frogfish/Anglers, if a new hobbiest they're not the easiest to take care of.
hmmm...... thats a nice fish, what do they eat? but is there anything on the noobie level for me?


Good suggestion Titan. Is that a clown angler? They only get to like 4", so perfect for a small tank. I think an angler is a great newbie fish, if it's the only fish in the tank. The reason people normally have problems is when putting them in a community tank. Anglers have serious "eyes bigger than their stomache" syndrome. So many times they will choke and die while trying to swallow a 7" tang.
The problem is that you shouldn't be feeding freshwater feeder fish to saltwater fish. It is bad for the saltwater fish, unless you know where to get saltwater feeder fish, like small silversides. If you get one, you can feed them live feeder shrimp instead. Shrimp are fine for his system and it's still a lot of fun to watch an angler pounce on a shrimp. :happyfish
A fu manchu lionfish might work if you get a smaller one. They eat the same as the angler. You are really pushing it with a 10 gallon though, a 30 gallon is the normal minimum size for an adult. They get to around 4" also.


Active Member
not realy any agressive fish will do well ina 10 gal tank majority need at least a 30 gal including the anglers they range in max sizes from 4-10 inches depending on species.10 gal tanks are so hard to keep good water quality and the waste produced by the foods alone will make it nearly impossible to keep it honest oppion heer is if you want agressive fish you should have a larger set up to meet their requirments.


boalgf it was listed as a painted angler, not sure about the clown as there's no brown patching. Yes some to get big! And they can definately choke down a meal
