Need help


New Member
I just set up a 12 gallon nano saltwater tank for my daughter.i have 4 damsels and 2 live rocks.i also add some live sand how l;ong should i wait to add some corals to her tank


Active Member
How just is just? How new is the tank and have you tested you water yet. If so post actually readings so we can further help pointing you in the right direction.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Cornharris
Its been running for 2 days and i will have the reading up asap

dont bother.. its not ready no matter what the tests say. You are still at the very beginning stages of cycling your tank. Although its not uncommon its unessesary to have fish in there at this point. You were prob told to have them in there as they are a hardy species and are commonly used to cycle tanks. While this is true it is still very harmful to the fish and you could of accomplished the same thing with a raw shrimp thrown in there.
However whats done is done, I offered that info for future knowledge. You should leave your tank alone and let it cycle testing for amonia every 2 to 3 days. In about 2 to 4 weeks you should be nearing the end of your cycle however only water tests will truly tell you when its complete. The absense of amonia will indicate a cycled tank. After that a 15% water change is necessary and then a full work op on your water chemistry. pH, Amonia, Nitrates, nitrites, calcium, alkalinity, salinity and temp. To go about this correctly post the actual readings to make sure your perameters are where they should be for corals. It would also be advisable to wait another month or so before adding any to get your self a custom to your tank its maintenance schedule and routine.


Active Member

on another note, WOW, 4 damsels in a 12 gallon? i dont even have 4 fish in my 30 gallon...
edit// this is from your profile, do you already have a SW tank?
April 3, 1978
Tank Size:
60 Gallons
My Fish:
Lion Fish
My Corals:
Do Not Know
My Interests:
Shopping,Buying fish
Hobby Experience:
New With SaltWater Fish
About Me:
I like fish
My Location:
Los Angeles


Originally Posted by Cornharris
I just set up a 12 gallon nano saltwater tank for my daughter.i have 4 damsels and 2 live rocks.i also add some live sand how l;ong should i wait to add some corals to her tank

One thing else is with saltwater try to stay 1 inch for every five gallons. That is for adult size not what the fish are now. Also do not add more than two fish at a time, it overloads your system. I made that mistake. A easy way to cycle your doaughters tank is to use a raw piece of shrimp. Also I see you say 2 LR just in case you did not know. Try to get close to 1 to 2 pounds per gallon this also helps cycle your tank. Hope some of this helps.


Active Member
Originally Posted by alix2.0

on another note, WOW, 4 damsels in a 12 gallon? i dont even have 4 fish in my 30 gallon...

I figured I gave him enough to chew on for bit. I figured the response that would come next would be that they will be given back when the tank cycles. But I agree I only gave 3 in my 30 gal.


Active Member
on top of all that i wouldnt even get damsels, they are very aggressive and terriotrial and will bully all other fish ( not that u can get anymore)