Need help!!!!!


Sorry - I have posted this on the disease and treatment page but have received no responses - I have a mature maroon clown fish in my 90 gal reef tank. Two days ago I noticed he had one or two pin-tip sized holes in his dorsal fin. Today I examined him and he appears to have several more. He is eating well and does not appear to be sick in any other way. What is this and what can I do?
He is in a 90 gal reef with corals, inverts, a few other small fish, LR and LS.
Any advice would be appreciated!!


Active Member
What inverts are in the tank with him? Sounds to me like one of the inverts might be picking at him overnight while he tries to sleep...


flame angel, percula (tank raised), royal gramma, psuedo, bubbletip (he pairs up well with this), arrow crab, various corals, snails. I don't think any of these are attacking him though.
Could the cause be bristle worms? I know I have some of these in the tank. Please, if anyone has ideas I would appreciate the input. Thanks,