Need helping stocking my tank??

I need some fish help. I have a 70g with live rock. My tank is approx. 8-9 months old. I also have snails and hermits and will probably have an anemone. I currently have 2 sebae clowns and that is it. I plan on purchasing my fish from here being the free S&H with orders over $79.00. I just want interesting looking/acting fish that are easy to take care of and wont eat my snails/hermits/anemone or outgrow my tank. The fish that I'm currently thinking of getting are: Royal Gramma, Citron Goby, and Blacklip Butterfly. Can anyone provide suggestions for some additions and/or modifications to this list.


Active Member
The fish you've selected would all work well in your tank. The butterfly is one of the better choices and will max out around 5 inches. You could realisitically add a dwarf angel at some point, but do it down the road a bit. Adding too many fish to a tank can upset the balance.