Need ID...Mexican Turbo....? Red & Black...?



Hey guys/gals,
Went to LFS yesterday, and picked up what he called a Red & Black Mexican Turbo Snail...
Has anyone heard of this..? It's molusk part actually Bright Red and Black. They grown quite huge, thus the one I picked up is the size of a small peach (about 2" in diameter)...
Can anyone confirm ID on this critter...? <img src="graemlins//bah.gif" border="0" alt="[bah]" /> <img src="graemlins//bah.gif" border="0" alt="[bah]" /> <img src="graemlins//bah.gif" border="0" alt="[bah]" />


Thanks for the quick response.... But that's not the little bugger...
When I say RED and Black, I mean Bright Fire engine Red... If you want, let's meet at Fish Ranch on Jones Road right off 290 frwy. Tony is the Manager and they should have about 5 left...
Bright Fire engine RED and Black, the color of this Emoticon... :eek:


I'll see you there...! I'll be wearing a REd and Blue stripped Polo....!


Check out the link below.... Could not get to it earlier, the link was not working...
<a href="http://www.***********.com/product/prod_Display.cfm?siteid=23&pCatId=570" target="_blank">http://www.***********.com/product/prod_Display.cfm?siteid=23&pCatId=570</a>


New Member
I bought 3 red moon snails a while back for my reef but none of them survived. They are more expensive than the Mex. Turbo as well. I now hear that they like colder water so maybe that's why they died so I won't buy anymore. They do list 72-78 degrees on that link.


ya'll could have met up at GLOBAL FISH & PETS on bellaire; last I looked, he had plenty of those; that was few weeks ago though; I think he was charging about $5; who do ya'll think has the better LR, jone's "fish ranch" OR 59 fish ranch; amazing how close actually most of the good LFS's ae to each other; iether of ya'll tried CITY PETS yet ???


YIKES; global kind of pricy on their tanks; FISHWORLD has the best corals in town; they also have a new 135 gallon tank,stand, lights combo for $350 new I think it is; might be 300; fish ranch 59 is ok on LR if you catch them when they have it; they have water pump in their now points up so you can rinse off the LR better; global is great for some fish & corals though; CITPETS is at beechnut & beltway 8; not best live stock wise; GREAT DRYGOODS though


I went to FR2 and was there at about 5:30 and walked around until 6:05.... couldn't find you... Guess the weather got you...
I did pickup a beauty for a rock... about a 2 lbs flat ("8W x 10L" x 1" thick) branch Live rock with red, purple, orange coraline, caulerpa and other plants attched to it and preety healty from one of their tanks... The rock had been there for about 2 months.... 13 bucks.... Not bad....! :D


hey BT in another recent post you had said you had had a flowerpot, but that it died; you had also mentioned that there was a clown in the tank w/ it; did the clown cause it to die? LOTR said that he had had that happen to his