Need Ideas all you DYI'ers

Ok here is the problem i have a 33 gallon coral prog. tank. I have a little gaint pump it turns over 1200 gallons. I want the top of the tank clean in that i mean i dont want to have any wires or return pumps or anything of that nature on top of the tank. I really dont want to add power heads either so i was thinking if i had a tee in my return and had those facing each other i would have great current flow. But the problem is i need "random" current flow how do i do this with a tee like that. Hope this makes sense. Please help i dont want to add any more heat to that tank than it already will have.
thanks in advance


do you have a picture you can help us out with?
Timers on different pumps was suggested to me for creating random currents.
Or you can get expensive wave makers.


Active Member
I've seen 3/4" garden hose controlers. They have gate valves that open and close on a timer, I think they were at lowes, like 90 duckets though. I wish I would have bought one, because I have not seen them since:(
scwid Is that this .....The SCWD is a revolutionary device. It is a mechanical wave maker, requiring no additional energy, made with demanding customers in mind. This innovative wave maker will stimulate coral growth, enhance fish health, and increases oxygenation in the water. The SCWD does this by creating similar movements as found in the ocean.
If it is i ordered it today i hope that works it sounds great. I wont have to use any power heads at all in the tank.


Active Member

Originally posted by DvSKiN
scwid??? If I'm reading it correctly, you might be able to use the scwid for something like this, but not sure, cuz I figured bronco woulda hit on that, maybe I'm reading it wrong

Actually chad I read it wrong, was thinking he was looking for something way more complicated.