Need Ideas for Corals


I have a 75 gal with 330 watts of lighting so far( don't know if I am going to upgrade) Can someone reconmend a good coral or polp, anything for my tank. So far i have a bubble tip anenome some mushrooms and 2 blue damsels.


With your watts per gallon you could get any of the following and have no problems; colt, leathers, zooanthids, button polyps, bubble coral, xenia, ricordea, star polyps. I'm sure you probably could have other corals suchs as open brains, frogspawn, but the first list are all good beginner corals that will have no problems under your lighting.


I'd recommend a colt as well. They are easy and grow fast. Bubbles are also esy and grow fast but are agressive and can sting other corals. I know that doesn't matter yet but it doesn't hurt to plan ahead.