Need Immediate Help Please


Active Member
have you tested the water, done anything different... post more specs on your tank, and you can be helped alot faster and better


And this milky white substance would be coming out of the top of the urchan? Should be no worries, its just a few gamates for the corals to eat. The corals should not be reacting like that to what the urchan is doing.
Check those tank specs and get back with us.

roscoe ii

Oh well......just learned an important lesson. I arrived home today just in time to see that all my leathers, rics, shrooms shrunken and a 9-10" cork screw anenomie reduced to the size less than a dime. Fish seemed to be ok.
So immediatley I do what I feel is the correct proceedure ....a full set of water tests. Mind you, I just completed my weekly water change on Monday night. And all the numbers were perfect. As I complete each test all the numbers look fine pretty much as they have been for a while. Water Temp, PH, SG, No2, No3, NH3, Ca, Po4,.
I'm sitting at my desk about to complete a Mg test and I look up and I see this white milky substance comsuming my tank. I run around the corner to see it is coming out of my Sea Urchin. My first thought is maybe secreting waste. But as this continued for at least 2-3mins I thought to my self "self this could not be normal" 'cause I'm smart like that you know!
So I quickly get on the old computer and post a thread (written in a panic) about this event asking for immediate assistance
(as if you people have nothing better to do) but I was in a panic!
Of course I get no response, so I figure I need to make a choice here. Loose a Sea Urchin or have him wipe out an entire 150 gal mini reef. Hoping it's not already too late, I attempt to pry this sucker off (no pun intended) I've tried this before and knew I was in for no easy task. Thought maybe I could get lucky catch him off guard since he (or she) was quite busy spuing and all. No such luck...this thing was attached to the glass and not budging. However, as I attempt to scrape him off gently with my glass scraper it seemed to stop spuing. But only for a moment. So now in a panic I go at it like I mean it. And after a few curse words and swears I was able to pry it off the glass and lucky for me I was able to balance him on the long handled scraper and transport him to an awaiting container.
Now I figure I had better do a water change to remove whatever it was it was spuing. I happen to have 35 gals of fresh R/O water in my holding tank. I just had enough tropic Marin to get the PH to 1.023 so I dump it in a mix it as well as I could, check the temp and get ready to transfer.
As I am cutting the sock filter away from the return line to replace it, I feel a slight stinging on on of my finger as it got wet. Like salt in an open cut. Thsi happened before no biggie right. I continue to cut away the sock and as I do I felt more stinging. Now this was getting annoying. I put the palm of my hand in the sump water at it also begins to sting. At this point I know exactly what happend ' cause I'm smart like that you know. I look up into the corner of the tank where I had just pryed off the urchin and it had chewed right through one of the plastic casings to my power head power cord. I instantly pulled out the plug and low and behold the stinging stopped.
The damn Urchin was giving itself electric shock therapy!
I continue with the 25gal emergency water change and slowly but surely, even after only removing the water from the tank, things seem to be coming back. However, not sure about the smaller livestock like the clean up crew and some of the pods. My beloved pods! Not sure if I caught the problem it time and who knows how long it was going on today?
Oh well sorry fo rthe looooong story but thought I might share and maybe save someone from going through this same problem. Now not sure what to do with spiney......?
Thanks for listening. I'll keep you all posted on the recovery.


You'll have to wait and see now. Glad you caught what it was. Check the lateral line on the fish.
Now something you don't mention. DO YOU HAVE A GFCI in place? or Ground probe?


But as for what the urchin was sounds like he was releasing gametes...which shouldn't be harmful. Maybe he was just responding to the electric shock as well??


Perhaps the vibration from the shock therepy was.............. Oh no, an urchan with a vibrator........

:nope: Sorry I should know better :nope: