Need info on re-stocking my tank

Can someone help me out with some general info on stocking my tank. I've had my 95 gallon set up for 12 years now and went through a crash about 4 years ago. We've kept it up and running with a damsel fish, 2 coral banded shrimp, chocolate chip starfish, serpent starfish and just recently added mexican turbo snails. I've spent the last 6 weeks doing weekly water changes and cleaning that it lacked over the last few years. We also added a protein skimmer and a refugium over the last 6 weeks. The water parameters (the only problem was the nitrate levels) are now ready for livestock. But I forgot how often I can add new fish, compatability of fish, ect. The list of ones I am considering over time is : yellow tang
hippo tang
flame angel
coral beauty
queen angel
Now before I get
for wanting all those fish, I don't necessarily need all those. They are what I like and will leave it up to my bioload to tell me what's enough. If someone can give me some info or an informative link, I'd appreciate it.


Active Member
IMO the tangs and the large angel wouldn't do so well in that tank for the long haul. If an upgrade is definitely on the horizon, then I would say that your list would be fine. If you are planning on sticking with the 95, get rid of at least one of the tangs (if not both) and the large angel.
With that particular tank, you should be able to get a pretty good mix of fish (get rid of the damsel...they are DEVILS!!!!). You could go with the 2 dwarf angels (watch for aggression...perhaps add them at the same time), a pair of clowns, a couple firefish, anthias (2 f 1 m), or chromis, maybe a goby or mandarin (if your tank has been up that long without anything eating the pods, you should be in pod heaven)...your possibilities are pretty much limitless...just avoid tangs and larger angels as they will need an upgrade over time.

small triggers

Active Member
i agree totally with browniebuck,,,
skip the fish that need large long swimming areas: tangs and large angels need 6ft long tanks.
The 2 dwarf angels should be a good fit as long as you dont add corals or atleast are aware they could nip them if you do add some later.
another great idea for your tank would be a hawkfish, the longnose has a great body shape and coloring...
cardinalfish,,(aquacultured if possible)
maybe a toby puffer..
ALSO????how much live rock do you have and how has the tank been running since youve gotten back into the swing of things and added new equipment?
good luck, just keep in mind you should be QTing fish...and if not i would wait
6 weeks between adding them incase you do get ich...
You can get quite a few smaller fish with about 3 or 4 that will get medium sized. Just let you tank get caught up between adding so it can deal with the bio-load and keep up on your maintenance or youll have another crash