Can someone help me out with some general info on stocking my tank. I've had my 95 gallon set up for 12 years now and went through a crash about 4 years ago. We've kept it up and running with a damsel fish, 2 coral banded shrimp, chocolate chip starfish, serpent starfish and just recently added mexican turbo snails. I've spent the last 6 weeks doing weekly water changes and cleaning that it lacked over the last few years. We also added a protein skimmer and a refugium over the last 6 weeks. The water parameters (the only problem was the nitrate levels) are now ready for livestock. But I forgot how often I can add new fish, compatability of fish, ect. The list of ones I am considering over time is : yellow tang
hippo tang
flame angel
coral beauty
queen angel
Now before I get
for wanting all those fish, I don't necessarily need all those. They are what I like and will leave it up to my bioload to tell me what's enough. If someone can give me some info or an informative link, I'd appreciate it.
hippo tang
flame angel
coral beauty
queen angel
Now before I get