Need Info on Set up


New Member
Hello board users and hobbists. I am new on this forum and I am currently a student at the University of Wisconsin Madison. I have some funds for setting up a Marine 55 gallon aquarium and need as much help as possible. I am a zoology and conservation biology major, if you guys like to know.
I have been rearing and breeding fresh water fishes since 6th grade. But now I am looking to move onto salt water fish, its part research too :). So, I need some expert hobbists to help me out.
I need to know all the basic information needed to start a 55 gallon. All I have right now is a 55 gallon Tank. No lights, no filter and what not.
I need to know the exactly items for a proper marine tank.
Can you experts list the items and the estimated cost of each item. It will be a reef tank. Plz list everything that is needed to properly set up a tank. Also need to know, what cycling is, and all these other "technical tersm" that I have been reading on these forums.
Please, really do need to set up this tank well, so any help will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you


Active Member
Hey jello2000 Welcome to the board
Your saltwater tank can be a little bit harder than freshwater but you will be alright if you take the advice from the guys on this board.
First you will need some type of filter. Alot of people use a wet/dry filter and this will probably cost about $150 w/the pump
You will also need a couple of powerheads for extra circulation. These cost around $20 bucks a piece. You will also need a heater. This will cost around $30. Then lights if you don't want a reef tank then a fluorescent light. Since you do want a reef tank then the light will cost a couple hundred bucks for that. I'm probably forgetting something but somebody else will respond.
You will also need live rock. A general rule is 1-1.5 lbs per gallon. Live rock costs about $5 a pound.
Good Luck and ask all the questions you need!


Active Member
I would first recommend you getting and reading some good books. A few recommended ones are:
The New Marine Aquarium, by Micheal S. Paletta
The Conscientious Marine Aquarist, by Robert M. Fenner
Natural Reef Aquariums, by John H. Tullock
Aquarium Corals, by Eric Borneman
Also doing a search on this site under cycling will help but there will be a lot to weed through. After reading some books, come back and ask some more specific questions. There are many options and many different ways of doing things.
My prefered way is a DSB of 4-6" around 2lbs of LR per gallon.
A protien skimmer, a refugium (not totally necessary) and good lighting.


Well i can tell you about my 55 i set up a few months ago ... it is my first attempt at a saltwater and is doing pretty well. to Start i got a 4X65w compact lighinting canopy with 2 10k daylight bulbs and 2 7k atinic bulbs (which simulate dusk and dawn light). I put in 40 lbs of live sand and topped it off with a 50 lb bag of arganite which i then added in 35 lbs of curred figi and kalenie live rock. I used Instant ocean brand salt , and bought 2 aqua clear 802 powerheads. This is the part i want to change, i got a red sea 100 gallon tank mount skimmer and a casscade 700 deluxe canister filter ( i would have rather gone with a sump but things are working fine with what i have so ill leave it alone) but on a future tank ill go with sump. any ways i got it all set up and filled with salt water , make sure your LR is on top of substrate so it doesnt interfere with the DSB filtering. after everything was filled i added Nitromax( Benificital bacteria suppliment) 1 time every 2 days and did a 10% water change every week for 2 weeks. Also i cleaned the canister after 2 days cause the tank gets pretty murky after adding water, but clears up over night.
After the first week i didnt see a spike... then after the second week still no spike... i got worried did more research and found that with good curred LR and LS and bactiera you sometimes wont get a spike and your tank is stable. After the 3rd week i did another test and everything was near perfect. so i added in a cleaning crew to take care of the algae problem that was taking over the tank. now i have various corals and 2 fish all doing wonderful and looking healthy.

the claw

Active Member
I loved the first part of your thread, "I have some funds". I think Spung said around 50 dollars per gallon is what it costs to set-up a reef tank. I think I am doing my best to prove him wrong. Its closer to 70. :eek: :eek:
Good Luck!


LOL id have to agree with you there. its not a cheap hobby to start up , but the payout is definatly worth it.

the claw

Active Member
I'm going to run down through Kipass's list for you, just to scare your socks off. You know, we want you to make an informed decision:
RO/DI water cheapest unit $30 good for 150 gals
replacement cartridge $18
saltwater from ocean .60/gal or DIY Free
Heater $20-30
Thermometer $5-70
Chiller (optional) $600-1200
Test Kits (master) $60
replacement test kits $60
Filtration $60-300
pumps (2) $30
Sumps or refugiums (?)
Protein Skimmers $80-300
Live Rock (75-100lbs) $5/lb
Aragonite sand (4-6inches at ?$$$)
lighting Cheapest ballast $150-200
bulbs and fixtures $40/bulb
MH ($700 for fixture,300 for ballast)
$60-100 per replacement bulb
Stocking=$40 per fish average, $100 per clam, $60 per coral
Clean up crew Ultimate pack $150
additives: $$$$
Quarantine tanks : don't use one because ran out of money.
"going bareback" hoping that accident doesn't happen.
That should get you started. Oh did I mention electric bill.


Welcome to the board. This hobby can be a little expensive, but it is well worth it. Good luck.

nm reef

Active Member

to the hobby & to the forum!
Check this link for info on setting up a marine system. It covers pretty much all the basics and can be helpful as you develope your system. Good luck and keep us posted as you develope your system...and ask questions along the way...folks here will help all they can.:cool:

NMREEF website
“Whiskey for my for my horses.”


New Member
Well, I have around 3,000 dollars of funds from a science foundation source. I don't have to worry about the electric bill, :), and hopefully, I can ask around for salts and filters, hehe, but thanks so much guys for all the input.
If any of you guys are interested in my research, drop me an e-mail. My research focuses mainly on eco-toxicology :).
Thanks all guys
Wow, I spent a little over 3000 in my 20 gal and I still wasn't satisfied......but that should be enough for a 55, I'm just....I dunno


3,000 should get a decent set up for a 55. Ive got a semi new 55 set up , id guess about 4,000 for it but have over $1,300 in my hood ( 2 x 250 W dual ended Ushio's and 2 x 110W VHO with external basllast and dual 4 " fans) dont skimp on the lights , i wasted $400 on my first light only to find out it wasnt what i needed for my future goals.