need info. on two soft corals


New Member
the other day in a lfs, i noticed two
soft corals that intrigued me very much and also ones that i never heard of before and i need some opinions, advice & care intructions
before i may decide to purchase either. one
is called a frogspawn-eyphillia divisa ? &
the other was called green crystal with no
latin name available. also, does anyone know
where either can be purchased besides a lfs?
thanx, deerleaf


I have frogspawn and it seems to be pretty hardy. I bought mine at a LFS and paid about $55 which I thought to be slightly high but they have been fairly helpful.


Frog spawn is a hard coral...the hard base....It is a aggressive coral..(it will sting others) It light demands are 3-8 on a scale of 1-10....medium water flow and very hardy..... I have two of its cousins a torch and a wiskers..I had to give up my plate coral which outgrew my tank.
Your Crystal coral is called Galaxea...
It needs to be away from all other night it will extend long...6-12 inch tentecls out to catch prey and it will sting others..its very beautiful.. also called starbust coral
light needs--- 4-9 on scale of 1-10
water flow 4-9 on scale of 1-10
very aggressive a 7
very hardy a 7
I don't have the information on feeding
sorry but I hope this helps.... My torch and wiskers are surviving and thriving on supplements.
Hope this helps