need info please



Just wondering on some info. I am looking to buy a new filter or something for my tank I have 90 gal fish only tank. Right now I have the a bio wheel on there (it actually has two in one) a hot magnum (I know this isnt big enough for this tank good only for a 55) and a sea clone protein skimmer. I am looking for somehting where I can have everything in one that I will not have to sell my house for yet very good easy to clean and very reliable. I have been having trouble with my wate looking a little green and I understand its an agea bloom. UGH! Its driving me crazy and have tried everything. Thinking I need a better more powerful something. Have used (bare with me I dont remember the names of this stuff) the black stuff in my little baskets that looks like coal, white stuff that looks like little white rocks and a different filter in my magnum that was a phosphate remover or something like that suppose to be able to pick up finer particles. I rinse my filters everyother day and am getting some green stuff on it that I wash off. Any hel will be a ppreciated! Thanks


Gee thanks a lot for all the help! Would have thought a question like this owuld have been answered in this forum being about equipment and all.


Sounds like your nitrates may be a little high. Can you post a little more info on the tank? Maybe your last water test values. And also type of substrate, any live rock, what fish, etc.
As far as easy goes, I use a Fluval 404 canister filter. It is like your Magnum HOT but bigger and goes under the tank. I don't have a problem with it raising nitrates. My nitrates have never been above 5 and I have a CC substrate. I have taken out the foam blocks it comes with. I have put in Matrix from Sea-Chem in 2 compartments. I also use filter floss in the bottom compartment. I feel this helps with the nitrates because I can just throw all of it out and replace it with new for very cheap.
Cleaning is easy. Just lift up the aqua stop lever and take the entire filter outside. It is heavy though and does not have a handle. Empty the water, change the floss, rinse the inside, rinse the impeller and I'm done. I can do the whole thing in 15 minutes. I also use the aqua stop for water changes. I remove the filter and put the hoses in a bucket and open the aqua stop valve and out comes the water. No need to drag out siphon hoses. I only have a 60 gallon with no sump so a 5 gallon bucket full and the 2 gallons in the filter is a good water change for me.
Good Luck,