Just wondering on some info. I am looking to buy a new filter or something for my tank I have 90 gal fish only tank. Right now I have the a bio wheel on there (it actually has two in one) a hot magnum (I know this isnt big enough for this tank good only for a 55) and a sea clone protein skimmer. I am looking for somehting where I can have everything in one that I will not have to sell my house for yet very good easy to clean and very reliable. I have been having trouble with my wate looking a little green and I understand its an agea bloom. UGH! Its driving me crazy and have tried everything. Thinking I need a better more powerful something. Have used (bare with me I dont remember the names of this stuff) the black stuff in my little baskets that looks like coal, white stuff that looks like little white rocks and a different filter in my magnum that was a phosphate remover or something like that suppose to be able to pick up finer particles. I rinse my filters everyother day and am getting some green stuff on it that I wash off. Any hel will be a ppreciated! Thanks