Need input on my DIY canopy design...

I'm going to be putting in 2 x 250w MH's very soon. Because of this, my current canopy will no longer do. It only has an outer height of 8".
- The new canopy will be 16" in height.
- I'm using 1/2" Pine, Outside will be stained black
- inside will be weatherproofed, and then coated with reflective Mylar (using spray-on glue)
- The back will be half-open.
- 4" Fans on each end of the canopy.
- Front 5" of Canopy will swing open onto itself (for major access), using a piano hinge
- Front will also have 2 cupboard style doors for quick access for feeding/etc... (not yet on design)
I designed a schematic this morning, and now I need input on anything I may have forgotten.
My Design
Thanks everyone!


Active Member
Have you given any thought to putting the fans in the top of the canopy. I read a post a while back and the reasoning is very sound. Heat rises, so having the fans in the top pull the heat away from the water. When I did my canopy I put the access dors at the top front, and it makes it so much easier for feeding.
I've thought about the fans, and havn't decided yet as to where I will place them. I am however starting to lean towards putting them on the top of the canopy pulling the hot air out.
I've now been told from some other resources that I should not use 1/2" Pine as it is a soft wood, and will probably warp due to the humidity.
I wanted to have a NICE outer finish on the outside. I've been suggested veneered 1/2" or 3/4" plywood. Does anyone else have any thoughts on wood??


Active Member
You don't have to worry about wood warping if you waterproof it good. If water can't penetrate it no warping will occur.
I made mine out of 3/4 " A/C plywood with pine "doors" (fake) on the front that tmatches the bottom The plywood looks pretty good too
Remember to think about wiring a switch for your halides and fans and such while youre in the design phase. I put my switches on the back of the hood . Cant see them but easily accessible!
I will finally be building it out of veneered 1/2" plywood, and some 1x2 bracing for the corners, etc...
there will be a total of 4 4" RadioShack fans.
2 fans blowing from the sides of the canopy over the water surface, and 2 fans pulling hot air out the top of the canopy.