I'm going to be putting in 2 x 250w MH's very soon. Because of this, my current canopy will no longer do. It only has an outer height of 8".
- The new canopy will be 16" in height.
- I'm using 1/2" Pine, Outside will be stained black
- inside will be weatherproofed, and then coated with reflective Mylar (using spray-on glue)
- The back will be half-open.
- 4" Fans on each end of the canopy.
- Front 5" of Canopy will swing open onto itself (for major access), using a piano hinge
- Front will also have 2 cupboard style doors for quick access for feeding/etc... (not yet on design)
I designed a schematic this morning, and now I need input on anything I may have forgotten.
My Design
Thanks everyone!
- The new canopy will be 16" in height.
- I'm using 1/2" Pine, Outside will be stained black
- inside will be weatherproofed, and then coated with reflective Mylar (using spray-on glue)
- The back will be half-open.
- 4" Fans on each end of the canopy.
- Front 5" of Canopy will swing open onto itself (for major access), using a piano hinge
- Front will also have 2 cupboard style doors for quick access for feeding/etc... (not yet on design)
I designed a schematic this morning, and now I need input on anything I may have forgotten.
My Design
Thanks everyone!