Need Legit Rec's For A Music / Movie Download Site


I have 12 and 15 year old boys who've been after me for quite some time now to subscribe to a site they can download from. I've done a lot of Google'ing, but it seems that most of the recommendation sites seem to have been set up by the site that's being promoted.
I'd like to know what sites real people are using, and how they like them. I'm interested in subscribing to a yearly (or longer) subscription that would provide UNLIMITED downloads. Primarily music, but movies would be nice too.
Thanx in advance for the help.

lil' tanker

well I use primarily because I don't have an Ipod mine is a different brand. If you have an ipod go with itunes. isn't bad but I would rather have an ipod and use itunes as I'm sure many other people feel.

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Limewire its free and easy to use.
Its illegal to upload copyrighted material but not to download.
Limewire gives you the option to turn off upload capabilities.


Active Member
ok whoever says limewire is legal is totaly in denial. i use it. its illegal. get over it

as for LEGAL download sites, i would say itunes is great, but i dont think they have a 1 year subscription thing, rather they have a by the song or by the movie charge. if you dont have an ipod, well tough nuggies i guess there is


Active Member
I've never heard of a legit website that allows unlimited downloads for a set subscription price. They would either go out of business, or the subscription would be ridiculously high.

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by autofreak44
ok whoever says limewire is legal is totaly in denial. i use it. its illegal. get over it

as for LEGAL download sites, i would say itunes is great, but i dont think they have a 1 year subscription thing, rather they have a by the song or by the movie charge. if you dont have an ipod, well tough nuggies i guess there is

It is legal to download.Illegal to upload.