Need lighting and hood recommendations


New Member
I need a new hood and lighting setup for my 37 gallon tank. It is primarily a reef set up with a bunch of live rock. I don't have much else in it right now except for a coupled of fish and shrimp. I would like to be able to keep corals, xenia, mushrooms and the like, but I know my current lighting won't do.
What I have now is an Eclipse hood which I have retrofitted with a Power Compact 55 watt CustomSeaLife Smart Lamp (half 8800°K Ultra-Daylight and half Ultra-Actinic).
The hood is falling apart and needs to go, so I figured now is the time to upgrade.
Any suggestions?
Also if any one is familiar with the Eclipse system... do I need to add an additional filter if I get rid of the Eclipse? I have a Prizm protein skimmer running in addition to the Eclipse.