Need Lighting Input


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G-Stacks asked:
Is 130w of light for my 30 gallon enough for high spectrum coral and anemones?
Rykna~"Lighting is not my specialty." need input please


Active Member
It will be OK if you replace lamps every 6 months or so. I would stick to moderate light critters like Montiporas and a BTA as far as anemones go but I would feed the sanemone at least once a week.


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How would a frogspawn or a hammer coral do in 130 watts in a 30 gallon tank?
(Not to thread-jack)


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I ask, because I am looking into buying a new setup for my tank.
It's a 130 watt Odyssea with two lunar lights.
Does anyone have any experience with this brand? Are their products trustworthy?


Active Member
Personally I wouldn't do anemonies, clams, or sps under pc. You should be fine with softies and the majority of the lps.


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I have tried anemonies under my current set up and I am willing to give up the possibility of having any under this lighting, and I knew clams were out of my options anyway.. I just wanted to know if a frogspawn or a hammer coral would do well under this lighting.


Active Member
Originally Posted by GRabbitt
I have tried anemonies under my current set up and I am willing to give up the possibility of having any under this lighting, and I knew clams were out of my options anyway.. I just wanted to know if a frogspawn or a hammer coral would do well under this lighting.
Hammers and frogspawn should be fine. I'd keep them in the upper half.


Well my BTA anemone isn't doing so hot it curls up as soon as i turn off the light. So maybe its not getting enough light and needs it to be on longer.


Active Member
Originally Posted by WangoTango
Personally I wouldn't do anemonies, clams, or sps under pc. You should be fine with softies and the majority of the lps.
What Wango said is pretty much the rule I go by... I have the 130W PC setup on my 20L Frag tank and the 96W T5 version on my 28 gallon display tank. I have 2 types of frogspawn, hammer and candy cane all thriving under these lights. I keep the LPS near the mid to upper reaches and softies everywhere else.
Personally I like the look and growth on the T5 lights better than the PC. My fixtures are both made by Current, and for the $20 more I would go with the T5's even though they dont have individual reflectors.


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Originally Posted by bill109
TEK has individual parabolic reflectors.. but are a bit pricey.. i bought mine and love em.
Yeah, I think when I priced them it was around 3x what I paid for my Current fixture. Heard good things about them though.