Need lights for 48" tank, anyone?


New Member
Hey Puffer, to clarify your post, do you need lights? Or are you looking for someone who needs 48" lights. It its the latter, let me know and the specs.


Active Member
Sorry, don't know much about lighting yet, how many bulbs does it have and what are you asking for it? I was thinking about getting a pc fixture with at least one acentic bulb for a 75 gal. Thanks


Active Member
I need to find out what they are worth first, like I said I don't know lighting to well, only kept fish till now.


New Member
Since this is Puffer's thread, only when you can't reach a deal with Puffer, let me know and then we can exchange email addresses.


puffer, i also have 48" power compact fixture that i was using in my 75 gal show tank, let me know if u still need one