Need more info ASAP ref lobo issue


New Member
I purchased a beautiful lobophyllia at lfs and it did great for two days. I then changed lihting on the reef tank and she all of a sudden withdrew showing her skelton. She has yet to come back out fully. Her color still looks good. I moved her to the ottom of 65 gal high reef tank last night to see if this would help. Any suggestions? Water and all other corals are great! Lighting three 96w pc's with mirror type reflector. I was only using the 6700k with an Itenic due to an green algae bloom. When it straightened out is when I turned on the 10000k pc light. This is when Lobo acted up. She still is just purple and showing her skeleton some on the edges. She feels hard to the touch on her body. Help, I would hate for this coral to die!
i think u might have shocked your iobo when u upped your lighting. u say u moved it to the bottom of your tank since. that's a good start. u should really up the lights slowly when upgrading, but anyway, i would just give it some time now to get use to the new lighting.
i also had a lobo once until it got tooooooo big for my tank, so i gave it to a freind. once in a while it would close up for a few days and be all hard and sickly looking and stuff, but it would always come back to normal in no time. actually, it still does somtimes in my freinds tank to this very day! so anyway, give it time, it should be fine.
also, one more thing. maybe try putting your light back to how it used to be , and slowly introduse the 10000k bulb over a week or two by upping it's duration alittle every day or two.
hope this all helps and good luck! :D


New Member
ijji, phosphates are at 0, but thanks for the info. Lord of the reef thanks also, I just hate seeing such a beautiful creation look like that. I feel better now and will be patient. :)