Need more information regarding to Golden Angelfish.


Active Member
No experience but have seen him in pictures before...sure is nice looking. Would do much more research before spending this kind of money. Good luck.


I never had one but the couple of times I saw them at the LFS they didn't ever start eating. They come from very deep reefs and are hard to acclimate. Do you have a reef or FO tank?


Some acclimate well, some don't - They do better in reef tanks yet they will nip at clams and corals - make sure you have lots of live rock for him to peck on if you get one.

Originally posted by flamehawk
No experience but have seen him in pictures before...sure is nice looking. Would do much more research before spending this kind of money. Good luck.

Yes I am research on this one and that is why I am asking y'all for your experience.

Originally posted by blueface
I never had one but the couple of times I saw them at the LFS they didn't ever start eating. They come from very deep reefs and are hard to acclimate. Do you have a reef or FO tank?

"Deep reefs" now I know..... Hmmmmmm.....
I am gonna to have to research such as live coral , etc that fits into their enviroment. Looks like I might have to go with "bluer" light?
Well I have a 55 gallon tank soon to set up. I will NOT get this one after it is over a year old. I plan to provide 5in DSB and bunches of LR's.
Still researching......
Again, Thanks!

Originally posted by DPittman
Some acclimate well, some don't - They do better in reef tanks yet they will nip at clams and corals - make sure you have lots of live rock for him to peck on if you get one.

Thank you all guys for feedback and still I am researching for it.
Regardless the cost and I just want to have an experience with that beautiful creature that I have never seen before they are gone in next 50 years later? Who knows. Maybe I get a better luck by rasing that beauty and maybe not? Worth a try.
Anyone, Feel free what type of "Deep reefs" that is within their enviroment and I am going to have to research the lighting needs for that configuration. Deep = Bluer light?