need new filter


Ive been using a whisper 4 for about 10 years now and i think its time to upgrade. i was wonderin which hang on power filter would be best for a 55 fowlr with a seaclone skimmer and about 40lbs live rock with a small fish load.:confused:


As far as hong-on power filters are concerned, I would go with a TetraTec Model 300 with the optional drop-in heater module. Excellent filters. I have one running on my 100-gal reef, and it works great. There are of course other filtering options you could also look into other than power filters.
For a very reasonable price, I would have to say the Emorer 400.
Mine has been running for over 5 yrs. with no problem. Just keep the filters changed, and turn the flow valve to the off position when feeding. Many have stated that they are a nitrate factory, but this is untrue in my experience. I have had a couple people that have had them, and they said this. They did not know about the valve that shuts off flow through the filters during feeding.
Of course your going to get high nitrates if you suck up all the food and it gets stuck on the filters. When I told them how to do the valve, all they could say was - "oops".


For power outages, I would highly suggest using an APC BackUPS power supply. They will keep your tank essentials, like heaters and filter pumps, running during any power outages. We spend SO MUCH on our tanks, why not think of using a little to get something that may save everything in your tank? Especially if you are in an area that has frequent power outages, and you may not be home when it happens. ;)


Active Member

Originally posted by nolofinwe
i was thinking of adopting an orphaned child, you know, to do water changes and rotate the wheels manually......
kiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiidding, jeez.

i work for corals ! hehehehe


just ordered a emperor 400 . most people said this would be my best bet for my application and for $38 bucks i couldnt go wrong...thanks:)