need new skimmer


i have had my seaclone 100 for about a year and a half i bought it used from a friend of mine. In the last 6 months it has started dripping from the attachment. Which now means that i have to have an unsightly and annoying bucket in front of my tank i have tried everything to get it to stop is there any way to fix it if not what other good hang on skimmers are there.


The Seaclone is the Only product that Marieland makes that isn't Kick butt IME. That thing is SO much more Trouble then it's worth.
I have an Aqua C Remora Pro with 350gph Pump on my 29g. Yeah it's big enough for a 125 but my tank is kicking serious butt. The ammount of Vile Filth this thing takes out of the tank in just a day is amazing.
I'd highly reco the above Skimmer or the Smaller Urchin Modles but I will say that it isn't the most Quiet thing in my house. :yes:


yea this thing has caused me more greif than it is worth i have tried changing the o rings and even siliconed the damn thing together it doesn't help it just finds another place to drip. Where can i get and remora skimmer i have looked fro them and haven't really found one another option for me to get is a prizm or a visi jet but id prefer to get a good one.


Active Member
Sorry to sortof hijack the thread, but I'm looking into a skimmer for my 30g w/ mud filter. Do you think the Aqua C w/ maxijet and overflow box would be a good choice?
How does the noise compare with an Emperor 400 and a slightly noisier overflow/return?


the remora sounds kinda like holding your finger over a garden hose...rushing water under pressure. I also have an emperor 400. I can still hear the water running/flowing in the emperor equal to the pressure sound from the remora. I'd say they are about equal neither drowns out the other. It's all relative I guess. I think they are both pretty quiet others think they sound like a freight train coming thru the living room. Silent Like the A/C kicking on or running a ceiling fan in the room... yes, very tolerable for me.


Aqua C Remora = Best HOB skimmer on the market for 75 gal and down.
Sea Clone = Worst product ever made by a reputable comany (Aquarium Systems)
If you pay more than $40 for a Sea Clone used, you've paid $80 more than it's worth. :D


Active Member
IMO my jebo 180 is more silent than my penguine 330 and I just cleaned the penguine yesterday and its still louder.