Need nice photos. FREE Poster!!


New Member
I own a large format printing bussiness and am looking for some nice fish/coral images to make large posters of in order to have examples to show customers. There are some GREAT images on this board, so I know some of you are very capable of shooting some nice stuff. I too am a reef tank lover, so hense my wanting fish images as examples. Here is what I propose. If you let me print your images, I will send you a FREE poster of that image. It that simple! I DO need the full resolution file and it must be at least 6 megapixels in resolution. Please email me directly if you are interested and keep up the posts, the images are awesome! Thanks.


Active Member
I have a thread in this section, fishgeek01's tank, posted by bronco 300 you are more than welcome to use any of the pics on this thread. I would love to have a poster of them. There are some really nice shots on there. I may also be able to email you other pics when i receive my disk from bronco let me know exactly what you need to do this with if the pics on here won't work


Active Member
Look at my pics from Closeups of my 29g reef.
I use a 6.1 megapixel canon rebel. They should be more than enough. I can send you all you want.
If you want I can send you some samples of others that are not on that thread.


Active Member
Will we be credited for the shots?...i.e.: are we allowed to place watermarks on the photos and if so, will you agree to place the watermarks on your final copies?