New Member
I've been helping some friends with setting up their brewery. So for its been simple things like graphic design. Well now they have decided that they want salt water tanks in the brewery. I think it would be a great attraction and I'm all for it. I've been keeping saltwater fish for going on 8 years now. My issue is that they are dead set on getting an octopus tank. I have suggested a Bimac or an Abdopus but they keep bringing up octopus that I think would be a bad choice such as the Mimic and a Blue Ring. Does anyone have any other suggestions for an octopus? They seem to just want something colorful but since I'm going to be the one caring for the creatures and getting the custom aquariums made I'm trying to pick something that wont stress easy, wont be toxic and wont be super shy. Which is why I liked my first two picks. Any help would be nice. Thanks a ton!